
Friday, 21 October 2016

Days of the Week

Here is a Poster showing the days of the week.  It is in Niuean because it is Niuean language week. So here it is and it's Monday-Sunday. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Athletics session 2

On a bright and shiny day Room 15 headed outside to play some athletics. Our coach that was teaching us was named JJ. He went over some rules that  were basic and he also told us to recap on last week's session because he wasn't there. So first we just started with a game that was called cup and sauces. Cup and  sauces was a game that involved cones.  There were 2 colours red and yellow. Red was the sauces and yellow was the cups obviously. So I was on the cup team and what we had to do was we had to flip all the red cups around and the sauces team had to flip our ones over too. If there were more cup than sauces that mean cups has one but there was no point cheating because we didn't even find out who won anyways. So we moved onto some races and we had to lye down on the ground with our stomachs facing the ground.  Then we had to wait for the go or the clap to tell us to run to the other side of the court. Here are some photos of us.

Here are us playing cups and sauces.
  Here is me, Joseph, Khin Hla and Sione getting ready  to race.
Hoped you enjoy!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mmm That's Tasty- Jelly Bean Challenge

Did you know that there are 5 senses that your taste buds taste and that they send a message to your brain and then your brain will see if it is a food that you like or is it a food that you don't like. The 5 senses are sweet, salty, bitter, sour and finally  savoury. There is a name for the 5 senses and they are called receptors. Receptors help your taste  buds send messages to your brain. Also did you know kids have more  taste buds than adults?

After learning all that we decided to try out new things and we decided to try the Jelly Bean Challenge. In order to do this challenge you will need some jelly beans and you will need a buddy.  The jelly bean challenge is when you block your nose and then you taste the jelly bean  and guess what was the colour. After that your partner will tell you if you got it right or wrong.Then  we had to tell your partner if you could taste the flavour or not. The whole point of this game was to test if we could taste foods with your nose blocked.Maybe you should try it and let me know how it goes. Here are some pictures. Hope you enjoy!
