
Thursday, 8 December 2016

Hour of Code

Hey guys, today i'm going to tell you about what happen yesterday which was the Hour of Code Day. Lets get started!

So in the morning we buddy umped with our buddy class which is Room 10. Then they explained what  was Hour of Code. After that I got a buddy and then we went to go sit down at start some coding. First I talked to her how coding worked because they didn't know to code. After explaining, I  went  on the website and started coding. We had some instructions how to do it. Also we did the Moana coding one. I didn't finish all of it but at least I got upto level 11. It was so fun! Here are some photos.

I just want to say also that this is my last blog for  this year! See ya next year!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

New World Trip

Heading outside for a walk to New World with my class.  So if you're wondering why I am going to New World it’s because we had this program that was going on and it’s called food for thought. Anyway we walked down to New World and our guide teacher for today was Adele and she was also the person that taught us about food for thought. Now food for thought is like a program that tells you all about being healthy. Anyway we got there and we had these 5 teams and my parent adult was Razan.We went inside and there was lot’s of people especially women  doing their shopping. We went and looked at all sorts of foods like cereal boxes, snacks, dairy products and many more. We had to choose one healthy option and one unhealthy option on each category. We started with dairy products then we moved on to bread then snacks and then vegs and fruits. We completed everything so that was good. Then we got the little gardens.

Port's of Auckland

Bursting with excitement on  Tuesday the 1st of November  morning to head to the Ports of Auckland Maritime Museum. If you don’t know what the Ports of Auckland maritime museum is search it up. We arrived there and the guide that was looking after us took us into this room. After a couple of minutes after we explored the museum. There was these little boats that came from all sorts of the country like Tonga, Niue and others.There was these video games that we played and they were extremely cool. Then  about 30min later we went on the boat. First we same some rocks and we also saw some people that were on some concrete that was on top of water, isn't that crazy man. We saw some amazing things but my most favorite is going under the amazing harbour bridge. I ran all away to upstairs just to see the incredible harbour bridge. Fun fact is that I think there is going to be a tunnel.  After all that the women said that we are going to get off the boat in 1min, so I gathered my jacket and that and headed off. It was super fun!

Comment down below if you ever seen the haurbour bridge.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Days of the Week

Here is a Poster showing the days of the week.  It is in Niuean because it is Niuean language week. So here it is and it's Monday-Sunday. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Athletics session 2

On a bright and shiny day Room 15 headed outside to play some athletics. Our coach that was teaching us was named JJ. He went over some rules that  were basic and he also told us to recap on last week's session because he wasn't there. So first we just started with a game that was called cup and sauces. Cup and  sauces was a game that involved cones.  There were 2 colours red and yellow. Red was the sauces and yellow was the cups obviously. So I was on the cup team and what we had to do was we had to flip all the red cups around and the sauces team had to flip our ones over too. If there were more cup than sauces that mean cups has one but there was no point cheating because we didn't even find out who won anyways. So we moved onto some races and we had to lye down on the ground with our stomachs facing the ground.  Then we had to wait for the go or the clap to tell us to run to the other side of the court. Here are some photos of us.

Here are us playing cups and sauces.
  Here is me, Joseph, Khin Hla and Sione getting ready  to race.
Hoped you enjoy!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mmm That's Tasty- Jelly Bean Challenge

Did you know that there are 5 senses that your taste buds taste and that they send a message to your brain and then your brain will see if it is a food that you like or is it a food that you don't like. The 5 senses are sweet, salty, bitter, sour and finally  savoury. There is a name for the 5 senses and they are called receptors. Receptors help your taste  buds send messages to your brain. Also did you know kids have more  taste buds than adults?

After learning all that we decided to try out new things and we decided to try the Jelly Bean Challenge. In order to do this challenge you will need some jelly beans and you will need a buddy.  The jelly bean challenge is when you block your nose and then you taste the jelly bean  and guess what was the colour. After that your partner will tell you if you got it right or wrong.Then  we had to tell your partner if you could taste the flavour or not. The whole point of this game was to test if we could taste foods with your nose blocked.Maybe you should try it and let me know how it goes. Here are some pictures. Hope you enjoy!


Thursday, 22 September 2016

Tongan Hero

A  couple of weeks ago was Tongan language week. Our classroom made a presentation that was about a Tongan hero. We had to pick one Tongan hero and my hero was Jonah Lomu. Here is a presentation that shows what his life was like growing up and many other things. Hope you enjoy! Also  comment down below if you know anything else about Jonah Lomu  that I haven't included. Bye!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

How to be Sunsmart?

This week our PB4L lesson is being Sunmart . If you don't know what PB4L is it stands for Positive Behaviour for learning.Here is a presentation showing what I learnt about Sunsmart. Hope you enjoy and learn something from it. Comment down bellow if you have any facts that you know about Sunsmart. Bye!

Friday, 16 September 2016

Peace Child Presentation

Here is a Peace Child Reflection I did. This basically shows how I felt and it shows the things I liked, what I didn't like and interesting thing about the Production.

Peach Child Video

This is a video that show some pictures that were taken at May Road School's Production. If you don't  know what i'm talking about i'm talking about a production that we held on Wednesday night and Tuesday afternoon. Our production was called the Peace Child. The Peace child was about these 2 tribes that are always fighting and telling lies about each other. The tribes are called Sotongis and Wannakeekes. Each tribe is taught to hate the other tribe ever sine they were born. Then this famous lady comes in with her crew. She tries and makes a bridge so the 2 tribes can all live happily. The wannakeeke cheif wife has a baby and that  baby is the child that brings peace to the two tribes. Oh yeah and there are 2 narrates that tell the story. Here is some pictures in a video!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Food Pyrmaid

We have been learning how to stay helathy and having a balanced diet! Here is my thinglink that has some links to Facts, Videos and  Tips that can lead you to a healthy body. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Cross Country Fun Run 2016

Today at 9.25pm Room 15 walked out the door and headed outside for the Fun Run. If you don't know what Fun Run is it means  that you go outside and run 1km or more or less. Anyways we were running a km. Fun fact that 22 more than what my teacher runs because she is running a marathon! Anyway we ran and I ended up coming 5th but i'm still proud of myself for keep on trying. But next year I can do better by keeping a good paste.
 Here is a photo of me walking but I was supposed to be running! 

Friday, 5 August 2016


Hey guys so last week I helped Alisi with her Genius project! If you are wondering what Genius hour is it is something to do with making the world awesome. Anyway her Genius Project was learning how to knit. Our teacher that was teaching us how to knit was Mrs.Mackie and her mum. First we had to do a skill and if you don't know this skill you wont know how to knit. The skill was called caring on I think! So here are the photos.